Mastering Complexity, Crafting Excellence

Infused Circulation

Situ Fabrication

Brooklyn NY, Built 2015

This project was conceived as a secondary system that could be infused into an existing loft. Comprised of curvilinear two inch thick parametrically defined walnut walls and backed by a plywood support structure, this installation was designed to be pre-fabricated off site, then installed as a panelized system. This installation forms the center of an otherwise conventional loft, intertwining itself with the residence’s program, strategically activating key areas within different rooms with the architectural features listed above. 35 unique panels create a dynamic, but also multi-functional interior, integrating closets and cabinets, enveloping appliances and articulating benches, doorways and surfaces throughout the space. The scale and scope of this project was truly groundbreaking for the methods of fabrication employed and required the participation of myself and the entire staff at Situ Fabrication to construct.